Saturday, August 15, 2009

Win Back Your Ex By Using Your Head Not Your Heart

By Andyl Bergerl

A simple way to win back love is to use your head not your heart. That is the secret to make love come back to you.

It is really simple. Your heart tells you that you need to stop everything you are doing and to chase your ex around town and force them to listen to your emotions whether they like it or not. Your heart is conditioning you that when your ex has listened to your sympathetic emotions, your ex will let the breakup slip away from their heart and mind. That is certainly wrong.

To win back love your head would never tell you to do any of that, instead your head would say back off, get a grip and take your time. Guess which one you should be listening to! Yep, your head!

The trick is to give them some time off alone. Do not call them or even try to send instant messages to them. Let them be. If possible cut off any other ways you can communicate with them.

If you follow your heart and communicate with the ex, chances are you are a desperate needy person to them. You just cant leave them alone cant you? That would only cause your downfall in your quest to win them back. Be a diamond. Diamonds are exquisite and are rare. You should visualize that you are indeed exquisite and rare and should be given the attention you deserve. You do not deserve to run around to get them. They will miss you if they don't see or hear from you.

It will feel good to solve it alone and can build up your confidence over time. Being that way can make you improve on the things you thought you could never do on your own.

When you solve a problem by yourself, you are increasing your self confidence. With increased self confidence comes the aura of being independent. Your ex will surely be amazed to find out of how you were able to cope up on the emotional turmoil.

The secret to win your love back again is to be rational and to be calm. Your ex will be ready when they are ready so prepare yourself also. The emotions within you are what makes the love burn but when these emotions are not controlled then there will be problems to be dealt with. Try to control them and use your mind. Your mind is there for a reason.

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